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sober coaching for women who are ready to kick alcohol to the curb



 hey there!
I'm Jenna

I'm guessing if you're reading this you are starting to question your relationship with alcohol.

Maybe you are tired of the hangovers, the guilt, embarrassment, the blackouts, or feeling like you're a bad parent.

Maybe you just want to be happy and you've tried everything but still feel depressed. 

Maybe you have tried to moderate, drink "clean", or tried strategies like water between drinks, limiting the days or number of drinks you'll have but you just feel like you're failing. 

Maybe you've tried quitting but keep messing up, feeling discouraged, wondering why you can't just drink like a "normal" person.

I get it. 

But it doesn't have to be that way anymore. You CAN change your relationship with alcohol for good. 


I was 22 when I first heard the faint voice inside me telling me I needed to quit drinking.


Here's my story (in a nutshell)...


From the outside it looked like I had it all. A big house on the lake, a great fiancé, a good job, I worked out and took care of myself and had great friends.


But on the inside I was struggling. I was unhappy but I felt like I had no reason to be. 


My unhappiness started at a young age. I wanted desperately to fit in and be "cool". I became an expert at adapting and becoming the person I desperately wanted to be. As I got into junior high I decided that drinking alcohol would make me fit in and be cool. So, started drinking when I was 13.


Fast forward to college, I went out drinking pretty much every night. And every time I drank I would black out. I made some really bad decisions during that time. 


Age 22 was the first memory I have of trying to quit. I remember feeling like I needed something to change. I started taking better care of myself -working out and taking vitamins. Then I got pregnant! I started to struggle a lot after my daughter was born. I had postpartum depression (I didn't know at the time) and was battling my relationship with alcohol. I was young, and at the time I just didn't have the resources, insight, or support I needed to quit drinking. Plus, alcohol was EVERYWHERE. 


As life went on, I tried to quit many times but alcohol kept pulling me back in. It got to the point where I would wait for my family to go to sleep so I could drink alone. I would drink a bottle of wine (or more) and end up passing out on the couch. 


My breaking point came the morning I woke up on a half deflated air mattress in my friends house, with little recollection of the night before, and I said to myself, what am I doing? I am 44 years old. I can't continue like this. 

Becoming a sober coach...


I started the real work of getting sober in 2019. I read books, listened to podcasts, joined a coaching group, took online courses and even went on a sober retreat in Mexico. I essentially immersed myself in everything to do with sobriety. After completing the Become Emboldened course with Euphoric AF, I felt inspired to start helping others get sober too. It seemed like a natural progression so I signed up for and completed the Empowered AF certification course. 


The training certified me as a:

  • Mindset Coach

  • Alcohol-Free Life Coach

  • Success Coach

  • NLP Practitioner


The Empowered AF Coach Certification program is accredited by:

The ICF – International Coaching Federation, and the gold standard in coaching

The CPD – Continuing Professional Development, the world’s leading and largest independent continuing professional accreditation institute

And The IAOTH – International Association of Therapists



Imagine a life where you could 


Start your day feeling confident, energetic and optimistic, not shaky, sick and defeated.


Sleep through the night and wake up rested.

Lose weight & look better with clear eyes, radiant skin and no bloat.


Navigate work and motherhood, stress and overwhelm without wanting to dive into a bottle of wine.


Enjoy your social life, evenings and family without worrying about how much you’re drinking.

Beyond my story...

I have enjoyed learning more about myself, who I want to be and what I want my life to feel like since I started my alcohol-free journey. It feels amazing to finally feel pretty good about myself. 


I know now that I am a hard worker, a great problem-solver, and enjoy helping others. I used to drink to escape my life and live for the next party but now I embrace the little things in life and see the magic in every day moments. 


I am grateful to live in a beautiful home on a lake south of Minneapolis, Minnesota. And I dream of having in a beach house with a view of the ocean someday! 


I am married and have 3 kids.  Lydia, who is 20 years old and in college, Lucas, who is 16 and in high school and Ace, who is 6 years old and in kindergarten.


I have 3 college degrees. Community Health, Food & Nutrition and Professional Nursing (RN). I worked for Profile by Sanford as a nutrition coach most recently but quit to be a stay at home mom when Ace was born. 


If I am not at home doing a house project or spending time with my family, you will find me at yoga, planning my next beach vacay, watching a sunset, going to a sound bath, reading a book, picking flowers, cooking a yummy vegan meal, or out for a walk with a friend. 


I hope that if you've read this far that you are inspired to start creating a life you love. It all starts with one step-ditching alcohol.


I can't want to be a part of your journey and watch you experience the magic of going alcohol-free for yourself. You are capable and are deserving of a life you love!

Book Now

Let’s Get Started!

44 year old woman celebrating one year sober

One day....or day ONE? 


Schedule a complimentary 1:1 discovery call and begin the journey to changing your relationship with alcohol forever.

Meet me on the 'gram!

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